Partnering With Parents
to see kids love Jesus, know the Holy Spirt, and serve in God's mission.

Open from 10:20am-noon. Caregivers will supervise your little ones (up to 3 years old).
Please fill out the registration form below.
Children’s Church
Open from 10:50am - noon. Children are dismissed partway through the service to go downstairs. Children 7 years & under must be signed in by an adult.
We study the stories of the Bible and ask lots of questions. Currently we are featuring passages from Ephesians.
Please fill out the registration form found below.
Supporting Families
Take Home Packages
Each Sunday, a Take Home Package is sent home with the kids. For those kids who miss a Sunday, it is mailed out. The package includes a minibook of the Bible Story with discussion questions so that families can study the lesson at home. If you are missing out on the Take Home Packages, contact us.
Email Notes
From time to time, we like to send out emails to our families and ministry leaders. These notes feature what we will be studying, notify of any Sundays that the programming is closed, and advertise special events.
Contact kids@southgatealliance.com for more information.